Clairsentient psychics sense the subtle energies around people, situations, and objects. They use their body to obtain information from the spiritual realm and relay this information to you.

A “clear feeling” is a typical definition of clairsentience. It refers to the capacity to detect other people’s emotional states in the past, present, and future without utilising any of the five senses (seeing, smell, hearing, tasting, or touching).

It is also known as intuition because persons with clairsentient talents may acquire information from non-living elements such as buildings or outside places without using their five senses.

What Is A Clairsentient?

Intuitive. Sensitive. Perceptive. Are these the terms that others use to describe you? Perhaps you've always been concerned that you're overly emotional — that you feel profoundly and rely on your instincts.

Not only is there nothing wrong with being an empath, but it might also indicate you're clairsentient... if you believe in such things.

There is a lot of disagreement about clairsentience, as there is about many things in life (particularly the intangible ones like the hypothesis of Indigo children and astrology). What exactly is it? Is it true?

We can fill in the blanks for the former, but you must come to your own decision regarding the latter. But, if you're an emotional being, you'll definitely want to hang around to see what this clairsentient thing is all about.

clairsentience meaning

What is clairsentience?

The phrase "clairsentience" is derived from the late-seventeenth-century French terms clair, which means "clear," and sentience, which means "feeling." It's known as an intuitive talent or a "psychic core" in spiritual and metaphysical circles. Are you still unsure?

"Clairsentience is the ability to perceive other people's emotions," writes Dr. Anodea Judith in her book Wheels of Light. It is the capacity to experience the physical and emotional moods of others in the past, present, or future without using the normal five senses of smell, vision, touch, hearing, and taste.

clairsentience meaning
clairsentient meaning

clairsentient meaning

What distinguishes clairsentients from other "feelers"?

This is serious business. It's very normal to be perplexed. We could easily go into a rabbit hole attempting to explain the many varieties of intuitive personalities, but we'll resist. Instead, we'll stick to a concise summary.

Let's begin with a phrase that most of us are familiar with: empath. An empath is someone who perceives and feels other people's, animals', and entities' emotions and energy. This sounds like a clairsentient, doesn't it? Clairsentients, it turns out, are empaths. However, by definition, they are empaths with enhanced intuition.

Clairvoyants "see," claircognizants "know," clairaudients "hear," and clairsentients "feel" things.


What are some of the symptoms of clairsentience?

Consider author Glennon Doyle Melton's example of the canary in the coal mine while considering clairsentience. Coal workers began carrying canaries into the mines as a preventive measure in the early 1900s. Why? Canaries, being sentient beings, are more susceptible to poisons in their surroundings. Although the miners couldn't see, smell, or hear carbon monoxide buildup, they would be notified if the canaries stopped singing. This example is used by Melton to demonstrate how empaths can detect and feel energy that other people cannot — and it works especially well for clairsentients.

That being stated, symptoms of clairsentience include (but are not limited to):

In crowds, you become overwhelmed.
You frequently use sentences like "I feel" or "I perceive..."
Spending time alone in nature recharges you.
When handling older objects, you get nervousness.
Your instincts are your guidance.
You're an excellent listener since you understand how others feel.
You frequently have "goosies" or chills for no apparent cause.
People may describe you as "overly sensitive" or "overly emotional."
It is simple to read between the lines.
You may feel uneasy or even physically unwell when exposed to black energy.

what does clairsentient mean

what does clairsentient mean

Understanding the abilities of Clairsentients

They gain psychic knowledge by detecting and experiencing the energy surrounding them. Their skill also allows them to comprehend other people's emotions by tuning into them, sometimes known as telepathy. Clairsentients' ability to feel may also function as a means for people to connect with their deceased family members and convey information. They use perceptions and emotions to function as sensory receptors from spirits outside the world to humans. These people can also sense another person's sentiments and emotions, allowing them to assist in problem solving and decision making.

what is clairsentience

Have you considered consulting a medium? Here’s what you can anticipate.

Clients should anticipate to “hear from” departed friends and/or loved ones because mediums profess to speak with individuals who have passed on. However, the specifics of your session will differ. “Each media works differently,” ChosenEyes says. “Be open to intangible experiences as well as knowledge you may not have requested. Expect some level of direction, perspective, clarity, and honesty as well as patience “Mediums are humans crammed into a little area, so don’t hold them to an unjust standard.”

The easiest approach to find a medium is to ask for a reference. Public evaluations are available on websites such as Google provides consumers with a quick and easy method to filter through the noise. (When applicable, the search engine also displays extensive ranking information and consumer feedback.) And personal recommendations are priceless. Regardless matter how you choose a medium, White advises choosing one that “understands sadness and loss… and delivers good proof of the loved one on the other side,” including names, dates, and particular features. Their message should likewise be clear.

Our website has a refined selection of mediums, all with ratings which you can devour to help make the perfect choice for you.