Exploring the Services and Benefits of InventHelp

InventHelp, established in 1984, is dedicated to helping inventors develop and submit their ideas. With a wide range of services and a team of experts, InventHelp supports inventors through every stage of the invention process. 

Common Questions and Answers About InventHelp

New inventors often have many questions about InventHelp's services and processes. InventHelp provides thorough and transparent answers to help inventors understand what to expect. 

 Come Up with an Invention Idea

InventHelp encourages creativity and innovation. They offer resources and support to help inventors brainstorm and develop unique invention ideas.

What Do I Do Once I Have an Invention Idea?

Once you have an invention idea, InventHelp assists with the next steps, including prototype development, patent referrals, and preparing your idea for submission to companies. 

What Sort of Company Is InventHelp?

InventHelp is a comprehensive invention service company with headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA, and over 60 sales offices across North America. Their team includes researchers, animators, writers, and customer service representatives. 

What Can InventHelp Do for Me?InventHelp has been a leading service provider for inventors since 1984. They offer a wide array of services designed to help inventors develop and market their ideas. Whether you are at the beginning stages of brainstorming or ready to present a fully realized concept, InventHelp can provide the support and resources you need to move forward.

How Reputable Is InventHelp?

With over 35 years of experience, InventHelp has built a solid reputation in the invention industry. They have helped thousands of inventors navigate the complex journey from idea to market.

Idea Development

One of the first challenges inventors face is developing their initial idea into a viable concept. InventHelp offers expert guidance and resources to help you refine and elaborate on your invention idea. Their team of researchers, animators, and writers work together to ensure your idea is thoroughly vetted and clearly presented.

Help New Inventors

What Does InventHelp Do to Help New Inventors? InventHelp offers a variety of services, including prototype modeling, invention websites, and patent referrals. These services are designed to equip inventors with the tools and opportunities needed to succeed. 


InventHelp's long-standing reputation, comprehensive services, and commitment to supporting inventors make them a viable option for those looking to develop and submit their invention ideas. While success is not guaranteed, InventHelp provides valuable resources to help inventors achieve their goals. To get additional info, https://medium.com/@coinswala/inventhelp-invention-company-should-i-use-inventhelp-to-get-started-with-my-invention-idea-dd424a1da664

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